Bob Wheeler, the Money Nerve

Bob Wheeler - The Money Nerve

How do you create a healthy relationship with money that serves you? Today, we’re talking with Bob Wheeler, author of The Money Nerve, about how to create radical abundance. Bruce and I recently had the pleasure of joining Bob on his podcast, Money You Should Ask, and we just knew we had to share him with…

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Thou Shall Prosper with Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin Thou Shall Prosper

Do you want to make more money this year? Today, we’re talking with Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of Thou Shall Prosper — Ten Commandments for Making Money, one of the deepest and most profoundly philosophical books about the wisdom you need to be successful. So if you want to learn about the steps that make success…

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Why You Shouldn’t Retire

Retirement: Why You Shouldn't Retire

Retirement seems top of mind in almost every financial endeavor in our culture.  It’s this buzzword at the culmination of all your financial pursuits, as if it’s the thing we all must strive for, and the trophy of financial success.  The endpoint.  The goal.  The place where we get when we have finally “arrived.”  Financial…

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Estate Planning That Works, with Rick Randall

Estate Planning That Works, with Rick Randall

Rick Randall says that estate planning that works is not the norm, but it does not have to be that way. The goal of estate planning is to dictate how you will transfer the baton of your life’s wealth and wisdom to generations after you.  With it, you ensure your legacy will live on, beyond you,…

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Saving vs. Investing: What Is Investing? Part 1 – Cash Flow

Saving vs. Investing - What is Investing Part1 Cash Flow

Most investing returns fizzle far beneath our expectations.  When we most want our money to generate cash flow, we end up flatlining, or even losing money. The prosperity and confidence we’d hoped for elude us, leaving us more anxious and uncertain instead. Could it be that we have our sights on the wrong target?  Let’s…

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What is Prosperity Economics? Part 2

Financial Planning: What is Prosperity Economics Part 2

Typical Financial Planning vs. Prosperity Economics Prosperity Economics is a wholesome and positive remedy to the limitations, guesses, and fear-based typical financial planning. On the one hand, the typical financial conversation holds an underlying opinion that you should give your money to someone else more qualified than you, put it aside for the future, not…

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What is Prosperity Economics? Part 1

Typical Financial Planning vs Prosperity Economics

Prosperity Economics has begun its renaissance as an alternative to typical financial planning.  An increasing number of courageous, conscious, independent thinkers have outgrown typical financial planning. They resonate with a different financial philosophy that provides more control, certainty, and permission to use their money now. For them, the financial status quo has been losing its…

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