Hire Better People, Faster, with Ryan Englin

Ryan Englin - hire better people faster

Are you working too many hours?  Chances are, you don’t have the right people on your team. And if you don’t, chances are, your hiring practices are causing more problems than they are solving. Ryan Englin created Core Matters to fix your recruiting and staffing headaches. He coaches and trains business owners to hire better people,…

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Profit First for Dentists, with Barbara Stackhouse

Barbara Stackhouse

Do you want to be more profitable, and enjoy the success of a thriving business, instead of running ragged on the hamster wheel of chasing the next sale? Barbara Stackhouse is writing Profit First for Dentists.  Sound familiar? It’s the specific application of Mike Michalowicz’s Profit First system, tailored to the dental industry, with their…

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Family Values: The Starting Point of a Legacy, with Richard Wilson

Family Values - The Starting Point of a Legacy, with Richard Wilson

If you want to create a legacy of wealth, the starting point is a strong culture of family values. That’s because having the greatest impact and doing the most for your children hinge on their character and self-leadership. And their character and self-leadership depend on yours – your example, your relationship, and your communication. So…

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Why It’s Not Risky to Invest in Your Business

Why It's Not Risky to Invest In Your Business

Investing in your business can be one of the most focused, strategic, and productive financial decisions you can make.  If the environment and the indicators are right.  That’s because your business is one of your best investments. However, if you listen to the conventional perspective of typical financial planning, you’ll be led to believe just…

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Profit First, with Mike Michalowicz

Mike Michalowicz, Profit First

Mike Michalowicz is a champion of profitability, on a mission to eradicate entrepreneurial poverty.  Mike is the author of Profit First, Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine. He helps business owners realize their need for making a profit and design a practical, working accounting system that doesn’t take ironman willpower…

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